ODMS is a wargaming club that meets on a weekly basis. We play miniature wargames of all sorts. We play all scales, all time periods of history, and also some fantasy and science fiction.
The regular meeting date for the club is every Thursday, starting in late afternoon or early evening (games start usually around 6:00 or 7:00 pm, sometimes earlier or later). We meet weekly in Newport News, at the World's Best Comics gaming shop. There are a wide variety of tables available, and we might have games going on both downstairs and upstairs on any given Thursday.
We have a very active facebook group, where we discuss our weekly games, as well as conversations about painting, collecting, terrain, history, and anything else that interests our group.
As far as other games go, members of our club are roleplayers, boardgamers, computer gamers, and just about everything else. We are open to all sorts of games on a Thursday night, it is just that we usually focus on miniatures.
The mission of our club is to promote the hobby of miniature wargaming in the Tidewater area. We do that through our regular game night meetups, occasional special events and game days, and through our outreach (social media, club information sharing, etc) and conventions.


Upcoming Events
Guns of August 2024
Aug 24-25, 2024
Williamsburg Muster 2025
Feb 14-16, 2025
Contact webmaster |